The Art of Pricing Your Doula Services: Strategies for Financial Success (Even in Small Rural Towns)

Have you ever wondered if there's a proven formula for pricing your Doula services that guarantees both financial success and meaningful support for families?

If you’re ready to unlock my secrets to pricing, site hosting, and whether or not I attend free births (HINT: I do!), then get out a pen and paper, this episode is for you!

Every Friday, I answer your biggest questions right here on the podcast.

The 3 questions we answer in today’s episode are: 

  • How to price your doula services, even in a small town?...

  • Which site is the best to host your small business website on?...

  • And how can I support free birth safely and responsibly?

To submit a question for next week’s podcast, click here.

If you’re ready to stop second-guessing these big business decisions, listen up, this episode is for you! 

Question 1: How do I price my doula services in a rural area? 

Pricing your services in a rural area can feel like navigating uncharted territory, but fear not—I've got your back! Let's dive into the art of pricing with confidence and purpose. 

1️⃣ Assess your value: Recognize the incredible support you provide. The physical and mental cost of providing birth support is high!

2️⃣ Research the local scene: Scope out what others are charging, but remember, you're unique! There is no other doula out there who is you!

3️⃣ Offer flexible options: Create packages that suit various budgets and needs. Accessibility matters. Perhaps you can offer payment plans or even bartering services.

4️⃣ Highlight your expertise: Showcase your skills, training, and experience. Birth is something a lot of people may witness once or never in their lives, you are a wealth of knowledge. 

5️⃣ Educate and communicate: Help families understand the value you bring through education. The average family may or may not even know what a doula is! 

6️⃣ Collaborate and connect: Build strong relationships with midwives, healthcare providers, and birth centers. Together, we rise! 

7️⃣ Embrace your worth: Don't settle for less. Your time, effort, and dedication deserve fair compensation.

8️⃣ Keep evolving: Continuously learn and grow to enhance your offerings. Stay ahead of the game!

Remember, dear Doula, you're a force to be reckoned with, no matter the location. Price confidently, value your worth, and keep changing lives, one birth at a time! You've got this! 

Question 2: What’s the best hosting website to run a childbirth education course from?

There are a TON of hosting platforms out there for all sorts of needs and price points. Personally, I host my website through Squarespace. As far as our courses go, those are hosted within ThriveCart and Searchie.

I have trial and error-ed my way into finding sites that work really well for our team and goals. Take it from me, sometimes it’s worth spending a little on the front end to secure customer service, better tools, and more options.

Question 3: How can I safely support free birth? 

1️⃣ Education is Key: Equip yourself with a deep understanding of childbirth physiology, potential risks, and emergency scenarios. Knowledge is power, and it's your responsibility to be well-informed! 

2️⃣ Collaborate and Communicate: Connect with like-minded birth professionals who support free birth. Share experiences, exchange knowledge, and cultivate a network of support. Together, we're stronger! 

3️⃣ Trust and Non-judgment: Approach free birthers with empathy and respect. Their choice may differ from traditional norms, but it's essential to honor their autonomy and provide non-judgmental support. Every birth journey is unique! 

4️⃣ Emergency Preparedness: Help families create an emergency plan that accounts for potential complications. Encourage them to have essential supplies, access to medical assistance if needed, and clear communication channels in place. Safety first, always! 

5️⃣ Continuous Support: Be present throughout the entire journey, offering emotional support, guidance, and reassurance. Your role is to hold space, provide resources, and be a calming presence during this transformative experience. You've got this! 

Remember, supporting free birth is a complex topic that requires a balance of autonomy and safety. 

By educating yourself, fostering collaboration, and embracing trust, you can navigate this unique path with confidence and compassion. 

Now, go forth and be a guiding light for those who choose to birth freely. 

You're making a difference, one empowering birth at a time!

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Meet your host, Kyleigh Banks, a side-gig doula turned CEO of a multi-six-figure birth-focused business. Her passion? Teaching birth nerds, like you, how to build an incredibly successful doula business that allows you to quit your day job, stay home with your kids, and most importantly, make a lasting impact on the world. 


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