Doubling Your Doula Income: How My Third Trimester Checklist E-book Changed My Business Forever

Wanna look behind the scenes of the e-book that completely transformed my doula business and career as a whole?

If you’re curious about how selling a tiny E-book can really have THAT big of an impact on your life, then get out a pen and paper, this episode is for you! 

The 3 questions we answer in today’s episode are: 

  • What questions do I need to ask during a consultation as a birth doula?

  • What are your biggest tips for creating the third-trimester checklist?

  • How long does it take to actually be a successful doula?

Every Friday, I answer your biggest questions right here on the Birthworker Blog AND the Birthworker Podcast.

To submit a question for next week’s podcast, click here.

If you're tired of struggling to make ends meet as a doula, then you wanna listen up!

Question #1: “What questions do I need to ask during a consultation as a birth doula?”

When you step into that consultation room (Zoom or IRL), it's your chance to connect with your potential client on a deep, personal level. Here are the key questions you should ask to make that connection and demonstrate your expertise:

1. "Tell me about your ideal birth experience." Understanding your client's vision is crucial. It helps you align your support and strategies with their desires.

2. "What fears or concerns do you have about your birth?" This question shows your dedication to addressing their worries head-on, putting their mind at ease.

3. "Have you considered creating a birth plan?" By discussing this topic, you demonstrate your commitment to empowering your client to make informed decisions.

4. "How do you envision my role during labor and delivery?" This question helps clarify expectations and ensures you're on the same page.

5. "What kind of support system do you have in place?" Knowing who will be present during birth helps you understand the dynamics and adapt your role accordingly.

6. "Are there any cultural or religious practices I should be aware of?" Being sensitive to their cultural background shows respect and helps you provide culturally competent care.

Remember, each client is unique, so feel free to adapt these questions to suit their specific circumstances. By asking the right questions, you'll establish a strong foundation for a successful doula-client relationship.

Question #2: “What are your biggest tips from creating the third-trimester checklist?”

If you’re new here, you might not know that I created an e-book 2 years ago that went on to make $2,000 per month completely passively!

And here’s my biggest takeaway: Action leads to clarity.

Do not stall so long trying to make things perfect that you actually sabotage your success!!!! MAKE THE THING and LAUNCH IT to the world as fast as possible - and the clarity will come later. (If you want all the details on this offer, and how I used it to take The Autonomy Mommy to a 6-figure business, click the player above to listen to the full episode! 

Question #3: “How long does it take to actually be a successful doula?”

Success doesn't come with an expiration date. But let's face it, the journey to doula success takes time and dedication. Here's what you need to know:

1. Learning the ropes: Starting out as a doula means investing time in education, certifications, and gaining hands-on experience. Don't rush this phase; it's the foundation upon which your success is built.

2. Building a reputation: It takes time to establish yourself in the birth community. Networking, attending workshops and conferences, and volunteering are all essential for creating connections and gaining referrals.

3. Persistence pays off: Building a thriving doula business is a marathon, not a sprint. Success doesn't happen overnight, so stay focused, keep learning, and be prepared to put in the effort.

4. Nurturing client relationships: The key to success lies in providing exceptional care and support to your clients. Word-of-mouth referrals are powerful, so make every interaction count.

5. Diversifying your skills: Expand your knowledge and services beyond birth doula work. Consider offering postpartum doula services or specialized support for specific populations, such as LGBTQ+ families or VBACs.

6. Embrace continuous growth: The most successful doulas never stop learning. Stay up-to-date with the latest research, attend workshops, and invest in your professional development.

Becoming a successful doula is a journey, and each step you take brings you closer to your goals. Remember, success is subjective, so define it for yourself and be persistent in pursuing your passion.

As the #1 doula business coach, I'm here to support you on your path to success. Embrace the challenges, seize every opportunity, and let's revolutionize the world of birth together!

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Grow your income and make a lasting impact on the global birth community (even when you’re not on call for a birth). faves

Learn 12 ways to grow your impact (and make more money) as a doula even when you're not on call.

Systems I use behind the scenes in my doula business to make my life easier.

Go from side-gig doula to full-time birthworker... so you can impact lives all across the world.

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Meet your host, Kyleigh Banks, a side-gig doula turned CEO of a multi-six-figure birth-focused business. Her passion? Teaching birth nerds, like you, how to build an incredibly successful doula business that allows you to quit your day job, stay home with your kids, and most importantly, make a lasting impact on the world. 


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